Darlin Magazine

Su Fox News hanno detto che i fan dei Radiohead sono “strani, malnutriti e tristi”

Quest’anno per la prima volta i Radiohead sono tra i candidati per entrare nella Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Greg Gutfeld, conduttore del Greg Gutfeld Show su Fox News in occasione di queste nomination, invita annualmente degli opinionisti per commentare le scelte della giuria. Quest’anno ospite del programma è stata Kat Timpf, personaggio della televisione americana, che ha espresso una strana, confusa opinione:

“Seeing as it’s about fame and not talent, I think that Radiohead’s definitely going to get in, and should get in. I don’t even like them, but the kind of guys that I like have to be three things: strange, malnourished, and sad. And those guys always like Radiohead! So I’ve been having to pretend to like Radiohead for years to get these men even though the music is just elaborate moaning and whining over ring tone sounds and you know what, if that’s not fame and power that will get me to do that for someone else then I don’t know what is.”

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